3 Python web frameworks for beautiful front ends

3 Python web frameworks for beautiful front ends


Picture this: You’ve got an existing Python app that runs as a command-line application or web service, but you want to add a web-based UI to it—and fast. You could try cobbling together a front end on your own, but why reinvent that wheel when NiceGUI has already done it for you?

NiceGUI uses a declarative syntax to describe what your UI components look like and how they behave. The gallery of prebuilt UI components includes many common widgets—buttons, sliders, text labels, input boxes, file uploaders, and so on. But they also include components for more sophisticated applications, like audio or video, interactive data presentations (charts, tables, Matplotlib figure rendering), 3D visualizations using three.js, CodeMirror editors, and much more. None of these components require you to write any in-browser code at all; NiceGUI handles all of that.

A simple NiceGUI app, with web widgets created programmatically. The resulting app can be deployed on a server or as a standalone program.


Wrapping existing code with NiceGUI requires learning a little about how NiceGUI handles things like event loops and application state. The good news is all of those things are done by way of high-level constructs in NiceGUI itself. For instance, the ui.timer object lets you quickly define some code to run on a regular interval, or to call once. ui.clipboard and app.storage deal with the browser’s clipboard and local storage mechanisms. And long-running tasks can be easily delegated to a subprocess with run.cpu_bound or to a thread with run.io_bound.


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